EBAFOSA is the first every inclusive pan-African framework and platform, an institution with protocols – a constitution and rules of procedure adopted in an inclusive continental process guiding its actions.
The African Union is a continental union consisting of 55 member states located on the continent of Africa, with exception of various territories of European possessions located in Africa.
The objectives of the AU are the following: To achieve greater unity, cohesion and solidarity between the African countries and African nations. To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States. To accelerate the political and social-economic integration of the continent. Food security being at the core of its mandate.
African Union Headquarters
P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt Street
W21K19 Addis Ababa,
Tel: +251 11 551 77 00
Fax: +251 11 551 78 44