The strategic thrust of MeBAFOSA is to actualize low carbon, affordable & efficient linkages of actors along the entire clean energy powered agro-value chain across Africa by country.
EBAgroPamoja is offering affordable solar power dryers, Solar fridges and irrigation among other value chain intervention products & services for actors in Kenya to add value and tap into the…
With the nexus challenges of food insecurity, poverty, high youth unemployment, low labor productivity, energy poverty, environmental degradation and climate change - which compounds these challenges – escalating across Africa,…
Amalgamating clean energy expansion to power value addition of environmentally sustainably produced agro-products presents a potential catalytic area for Africa targeted by the EBAFOSA. The amalgamation is meant to maximize…
Policy is the biggest driver of change. Maximizing productivity of the catalytic areas will need harmonization of policies across multiple ministries to ensure they complement the amalgamation of EBA-driven Agriculture…
Quality standardization is a critical market enabler to building a competitive industry. And to formalize this integrated paradigm aligned to Africa’s area of strength, and establish it competitively will require…
PILLAR 4 - Innovative Financing for upscaling climate solutions through risk-sharing facilities To mobilize financing for processes & products along the EBAFOSA climate action chain EBAFOSA is leveraging on complementary…
Through operational level mutual partnerships, EBAFOSA is leveraging ICT to actualize connections among complementary actors along the value chain needed to establish EBA based clean energy powered agro-industrialization. EBAFOSA ICT…