March 29, 2025



Market incentives for climate action: EBAFOSA has worked with national standards bodies to develop a climate action market incentive guide on the cascade of standards agro-enterprises in the country need…
Leveraging EBA / clean energy to create climate action enterprises: work has leveraged complementarity between EBA-driven agriculture with clean energy to unlock enterprises that scale both EBA & clean energy.
Innovatively financing climate action: work has aimed at guiding cooperatives to tap into asset financing along the agro-value chain – especially clean energy solutions e.g. solar driers, solar irrigation among…
Policy Level: at policy level, EBAFOSA is supporting countries establish inter-ministerial policy task forces. Example of policy impacts;
How does EBAFOSA work? The EBAFOSA approach is based on section 5 of the Paris Agreement and goal 17 of the Sustainable development Goals which calls for bringing multiple stakeholders…
Published in EBAFOSA, Infographics
Achieving the UN Environment aim of scaling climate actions that enhance socioeconomic wellbeing needs stakeholders from diverse sectors – government, private sector, development partners, individual citizens –
Why EBAFOSA: achieving the UN Environment aim of scaling climate actions that enhance socioeconomic wellbeing needs stakeholders from diverse sectors – government, private sector, development partners, individual citizens – working…
The idea that led to the establishment of EBAFOSA
The above is achieved through the EBAFOSA modus operandi. EBAFOSA modus operandi is premised on fomenting voluntary mutually beneficial partnerships among complementary actors to bridge policy & operational gaps towards…
With the nexus challenges of food insecurity, poverty, high youth unemployment, low labor productivity, energy poverty, environmental degradation and climate change - which compounds these challenges – escalating across Africa,…
Amalgamating clean energy expansion to power value addition of environmentally sustainably produced agro-products presents a potential catalytic area for Africa targeted by the EBAFOSA. The amalgamation is meant to maximize…
Published in Pillar 1, Infographics
Policy is the biggest driver of change. Maximizing productivity of the catalytic areas will need harmonization of policies across multiple ministries to ensure they complement the amalgamation of EBA-driven Agriculture…
Published in Pillar 2, Infographics
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