EBAFOSA is the first every inclusive pan-African framework and platform, an institution with protocols – a constitution and rules of procedure adopted in an inclusive continental process guiding its actions.
Innovatively financing climate action: work has aimed at guiding cooperatives to tap into asset financing along the agro-value chain – especially clean energy solutions e.g. solar driers, solar irrigation among key ones - as a business expansion strategy. And such clean energy systems being capital assets are themselves collateral as they can be repossessed in case of default.
Togo: EBAFOSA Togo has mobilized partnerships to build on ongoing reforestation work by Ministry of Environment towards reclaiming regarded lands. Over 10,000 trees have been planted in the canton of soumdina, in Aného and Agou in fulfillment of Togo NDC priorities.
Reshaping Africa’s food security and climate resilience through leveraging Ecosystem based Adaptation Assembly Policy Framework
Offshoots from EBAFOSA Togo National Branch Launch