February 21, 2025


Policy Level: at policy level, EBAFOSA is supporting countries establish inter-ministerial policy task forces. Example of policy impacts;

Why EBAFOSA: achieving the UN Environment aim of scaling climate actions that enhance socioeconomic wellbeing needs stakeholders from diverse sectors – government, private sector, development partners, individual citizens – working towards the same end-goal. And to achieve this, a common and inclusive framework is needed to convene all these actors for partnerships. So EBAFOSA stands at the crossroad of multiple global change challenges - land degradation, desertification and recurrent drought and Climate Change that are the root causes of food insecurity in Africa.

Offshoots from EBAFOSA Gambia National Day of Resilience and Food Security

On 5th October, EBAFOSA Gambia commemorated their 1st anniversary since their launch. The objective of this commemoration was to promote EBAFOSA as the priority initiative that will accelerate socioeconomic transformation & combat climate change in the Gambia through establishing the EBA based,

Download the Gambia Action plan from the link below

UN Environment Ecosystems Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly – EBAFOSA

Logic and Operational Modalities of EBAFOSA and how it is helping to implement UN Environment work.

EBAFOSA Countries