February 22, 2025


Market incentives for climate action: EBAFOSA has worked with national standards bodies to develop a climate action market incentive guide on the cascade of standards agro-enterprises in the country need to comply with to ensure they tap into health, environment, climate & quality conscious consumers who are increasing.

Innovatively financing climate action: work has aimed at guiding cooperatives to tap into asset financing along the agro-value chain – especially clean energy solutions e.g. solar driers, solar irrigation among key ones - as a business expansion strategy. And such clean energy systems being capital assets are themselves collateral as they can be repossessed in case of default.

Why EBAFOSA: achieving the UN Environment aim of scaling climate actions that enhance socioeconomic wellbeing needs stakeholders from diverse sectors – government, private sector, development partners, individual citizens – working towards the same end-goal. And to achieve this, a common and inclusive framework is needed to convene all these actors for partnerships. So EBAFOSA stands at the crossroad of multiple global change challenges - land degradation, desertification and recurrent drought and Climate Change that are the root causes of food insecurity in Africa.

Uganda: to incentivize upscaled use of climate resilient high value crops capable of enhancing both biophysical and socioeconomic resilience, EBAFOSA Uganda has catalyzed mutual partnerships between sorghum & cassava farmers in Kaliro & Namutumba districts in eastern Uganda and suppliers of solar powered pumps for on-farm value addition of irrigation.

Malawi have formed their inter-agency task force hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining – Environmental Affairs Department. This host ministry is leading mobilization of participation of other critical ministries as needed.

Ghana: EBAFOSA-Ghana has established an inclusive inter-ministerial/agency policy task force comprising nominees from the Ministries of Energy, Works and Housing, Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Transport, Roads and Highways, Justice and Attorney General’s Department, Aviation, Employment and Labour Relations. Additional nominees are from Ministries of Trade and Industry,

Sierra Leone: have formed their inter-agency task force chaired by the Ministries of Agric. Forestry and Food Security and Lands, Environment and country Planning. These ministries will lead in mobilizing participation of other critical ministries as needed. Schedule of meetings of the Task Forces has been agreed as the last Thursday of every month.

Benin: the inter-agency policy task force has been constituted with 20 ministerial level focal persons drawn from key ministries of agriculture, energy, environment, planning among others needed to establish EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones. Operational level actors also included to inform policy processes and enhance implementation - 23 EBAFOSA Benin Regional representatives, and 24 members of the Specialized Committees.

Cameroon: Operational level mutual partnerships between farmer cooperatives, independent decentralized clean energy power producers, local councils and academia is resulting in the development of 10 pilot sites into integrated EBA-driven agriculture clean energy powered agro-industrial zone with efficient ICT enabled linkages to markets and supply chains. The aim is to enhance food security, offset carbon, protect ecosystems while creating income & job opportunities.

Zimbabwe: EBAFOSA Zimbabwe identifying anchor initiatives to mobilize complementary actors around them and build them to EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones. Already, “the Phiri Award”, an NGO that supports local farmers engaged in water harvesting technologies and climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, has been mobilized to build on their site based initiatives towards aligning them with the trajectory of establishing EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones.  

The above is achieved through the EBAFOSA modus operandi. EBAFOSA modus operandi is premised on fomenting voluntary mutually beneficial partnerships among complementary actors to bridge policy & operational gaps towards establishing EBA based agro-industrial zones powered by clean energy with efficient linkages to markets & supply chains of products / inputs e.g. organic fertilizer, clean energy technologies etc., & services e.g. advisory, financial intermediation, standardization etc.

EBAFOSA Countries